Fire-sale of the Digital Economy! Are you prepared? This post explores the impact of a complete shutdown of the digital economy and raises important questions about the government’s, corporations’ and […]
Unveiling the dragon’s hold on Indian economy
Please mark your calendars for an important talk this Sunday at 11 AM unravelling the true dynamics of Sino-Indian economic relations. While many other talks focus on armed conflicts, military […]
Can we future-proof Tourism from disasters?
This presentation talks about the current Disaster management setup in India and can we really future proof tourism from disasters such as COVID or other natural disasters?
Digital Transformation of Urban Management
Digitisation has found its way into every aspect of our lives with existing administrations being actively integrated with the digital world. Our next speakers Mr. Sridhar P and Mr. Giridhar (Giri) Gangadhara will explore […]
Revealing the dragon: Sino-India trade relations
Interdisciplinary research on Sino0India economic relations covering investments, debt, trade and many other facets backed by data. Relevant for anyone looking at understanding geo-economic relations and bilateral trading relations and […]